Dog import UAE: How can we handle dog immigration procedures for the UAE?
The UAE is now regarded as the economic and financial hub of the Middle East, commonly referred to as the “City of Miracles”. As a result, more and more people are immigrating to the UAE, including pet owners who wish to bring their dogs from Hong Kong to begin a new life. In this regard, several questions arise, such as the cost of bringing dog to Dubai, and whether dogs need to undergo quarantine after immigrating.
To facilitate UAE dog immigration, our team of experts in dog travel to UAE, has consolidated the UAE pet entry requirements for dog immigration to UAE and our practical experience to provide you with the necessary information and steps to prepare in advance and successfully immigrate your dog from Hong Kong to the UAE.
General requirements for dog immigration to UAE, such as:
- Only in cargo
- Please let us know 1.5-3 months in advance
- Microchip
- Vaccination and Vaccination Record
- Dubai pet health certificate
- Other treatments
- Blood test
- Import documents (import permit)
- Dog license
- IATA-standard crates required
The UAE government will strictly control the animals entering the country. Before departure, the owner must vaccinate the pets with relevant vaccinations and prepare the necessary documents. Otherwise, they may be subject to dog quarantine UAE policies. Therefore, when you plan to import dog to UAE, it is crucial to start early and ensure that all documents are in order.