Internal & External Parasite Treatment

The majority of countries recommend pets traveling internationally to receive an internal parasite treatment. Preventing your pet’s health problems before travel helps ensure your pet reaches his or her destination in good condition. Consequently, your pet won’t carry diseases to their new country unintentionally.
Most countries have strict veterinary requirements to prevent diseases from spreading to the fauna. The regulations concerning pet imports in countries that are rabies-free, such as Australia and New Zealand, are extremely strict.
Generally, when your pet is accepted into a country, an animal inspector will conduct a medical inspection. You might have to extend the quarantine period if your pet suffers from health issues. The pet owner will be responsible for the cost of veterinary treatment and quarantine. Having your pet in good health before traveling internationally is therefore always a good idea.
When traveling to a new country, pet owners may have to protect their pets from parasites they aren’t exposed to at home. The best time to treat your pet is before you travel so they are free from parasites and will not bring them back with them when they return.

Internal Parasites

Internal parasites (also known as worms) are a common condition in dogs and cats needing regular veterinary monitoring and treatment. The most common internal parasites include roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms and whipworms. These worms can cause a wide range of problems from subclinical disease to clinical conditions including vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. Some of the pet internal parasites represent a risk to human health, therefore regular monitoring is important.

We recommend routine monitoring and appropriate deworming of all dogs and cats, even when they are primarily housed indoors. Puppies and kittens are particularly susceptible to infection and deworming should be evaluated around the time of their first vaccination.


Heartworm is a parasite that can infect dogs and uncommonly cats. The parasite is transmitted through mosquito bites and the larval worms then travelling through the blood vessels to the heart. Here, the worms grow and reproduce cause damage to the heart and lungs. Eventually, these can cause initial infections may show no clinical signs and as the parasite load increases symptoms include coughing, exercise intolerance, breathing difficulties, weakness, weight loss, abdominal distension and infection can be fatal. .

Regular heartworm testing and preventative therapy are recommended.  An evaluation by a veterinarian prior to any treatment or prevention to ensure the proper plan for your pet’s heartworm testing and preventative therapy.  Significant risks including death can occur by heartworm if not evaluated by veterinarian and improper medication is used on a pet.